Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I take a walk through Cherry Wood,
by an old graveyard that's both green and grey.
Does the very pretty fair-haired girl from Windmill Lane
smile on me like the bright yellow sun today?

Yes, does the girl from York City's Windmill Lane
smile on me, or does the beauty - perhaps - frown?
She might not care to even think of me at all
while inside my head she goes crazily round and round.

Arthur's Seat is the hill
overlooks Edinburgh City,
which in turn takes its name
from York's King Edwin. Oversee
Edinburgh - named after him -
from that hill. York's King Edwin.

To Berry on tv -
when four years old -
"Don't you go dance"
I was so told,
by a fiery aunt who
thought she knew best.
But that devil Chuck
had a better tune, I guess !

You go into exile -
like good Lord Jim -
through some guilt,
through some sin
that's not your own,
yet you do well
in your island home.
You do damn well
there can't be doubt.
The tide brings in
what you'd sent out.

The Battle of Fulford
took place right here,
outside of York City
with sword, shield and spear.

The Battle of Fulford
right here took place.
Men fought for victory,
lost their lives in this space.
It was long ago, outside of York.
Far longer than yon long-legged stork.

The Dalai Lama
is not the Buddha,
nor are priests God on high.
You seek Heaven? Nirvana?
It's on yourself then go rely !

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